Time LowTime MediumTime HighTeam LowTeam MediumTeam HighMoney LowMoney MediumMoney HighExit LowExit MediumExit HighSourceHidden 2Hidden 3From NameFrom EmailReply To (email address for notifications for each quiz entry)Email HeaderNous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de compléter l'évaluation.Votre rapport individuel est compilé dans le PDF ci-joint.Email FooterMerci beaucoup,Céline REDHONActionCOACH Saint-Quentin-En-YvelinesSend to EmailTime Size (Segmentation Ques)Combien de collaborateurs avez-vous, y compris les personnes travaillant à temps partiel et celles qui sont externalisées ?*Aucun, je travaille seul(e)1 à 1010 à 2525 plusMessage d’erreurLe TempsAvailable values for Topic 2Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Que pensez-vous de votre capacité à vous concentrer sur le développement de votre entreprise ?*Je suis tellement stressé(e) que j'ai du mal à penser au développementJ'essaie de me concentrer sur le développement, mais je suis trop occupé(e) par le quotidienJ'y consacre parfois un peu de temps mais pourrais mieux faireJe dispose d'un temps équilibré qui contribue au bon développement de mon entrepriseMessage d’erreurAvez-vous mis en place les bons systèmes et processus pour que l'entreprise fonctionne efficacement ?*Nous faisons ce qui est nécessaire au fur et à mesure et n'avons pas vraiment de processus définisJe sais comment les choses devraient fonctionner, mais c'est dans ma tête, pas par écritJe dispose de certains systèmes et processus, mais ils pourraient être mieux adaptésJe dispose des systèmes et des processus adéquats pour que l'entreprise fonctionne de manière optimaleMessage d’erreurFixez-vous et atteignez-vous vos objectifs dans un délai acceptable ?*Je ne me fixe pas d'objectif du toutJ'y parviens parfoisJ'atteins presque toujours les objectifs que j’ai clairement définisJ'y parviens quasi systématiquementMessage d’erreurL'équipeAvailable values for Topic 3Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Comment vous sentez-vous concernant l’autonomie de votre équipe ?*Je fais tout moi mêmeJe trouve souvent cela frustrant et je dois constamment superviserMon équipe travaille bien, mais a besoin d'être superviséeMon équipe gère l'entreprise de manière efficace avec peu de supervisionMessage d’erreurQue pensez-vous de votre culture d’entreprise à l'heure actuelle ?*Je pense que c'est assez horribleCe n'est pas génial, mais nous nous débrouillons, la plupart du tempsElle se rapproche de ce que je souhaite, mais elle pourrait être amélioréeJ’adore notre cultureMessage d’erreurLes objectifs, les priorités et la mission globale de votre équipe sont-ils clairs ?*Pas vraiment, nous n'avons rien par écritCela pourrait être mieux : peu d'écrits et pas de focus mis sur le sujetOK, la vision/mission est écrite, mais elle n'est pas vraiment mise en avantTrès clair - tout est écrit et cela motive les membres de l'équipeMessage d’erreurComment vous sentez-vous à l'idée de diriger une équipe à l'avenir ?*Je serais probablement frustré et je finirais par le faire moi-même plus rapidement.Je m'inquiète de la surveillance constante nécessaireJe me sens bien, mais j'aurais besoin d'apprendre à en tirer le meilleur parti.J'aimerais que mon équipe dirige l'entreprise et le fasse encore mieux que moi !Message d’erreurQue pensez-vous de la croissance de votre équipe en ce moment ?*Je ne suis pas sûr de vouloir le faireAssez intimidantOK, mais on ne sait pas très bien de qui nous avons besoin ou quelles sont les prochaines étapes.Se sentir bien et savoir clairement de qui nous avons besoin ensuiteMessage d’erreurQue pensez-vous qu'il faudrait pour avoir les bons membres de l'équipe ?*Une refonte complète de l'entrepriseBeaucoup de changements importantsQuelques changements nécessairesUne certaine clarté et confiance dans le choix du prochain candidatMessage d’erreurL'argentAvailable values for Topic 4Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Avez-vous le sentiment que vos bénéfices sont proportionnels aux efforts et à l'énergie que vous avez investis jusqu'à présent ?*Je suis loin d'être là où je veux êtreFrustré de voir que les bénéfices sont faibles par rapport aux efforts déployésCohérent, mais ils pourraient être bien meilleursSolides et dépassant les normes du secteur, ce qui nous permet de saisir de nouvelles opportunitésMessage d’erreurDans quelle mesure maitrisez-vous actuellement les aspects financiers de votre entreprise ?*Pas bien, ce qui peut parfois me stresserJ'en ai une idée, mais c'est parfois un problèmeJ'ai une compréhension générale de la question, mais j'aimerais l'approfondirJ'ai une vision claire de tous les chiffres importants et mes finances sont solides comme le rocMessage d’erreurPlan de SortieAvailable values for Topic 5Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Savez-vous à quoi ressemblera votre entreprise lorsqu'elle sera à son apogée ?*Je n'en suis pas sûr, je n'y ai jamais réfléchi auparavantQuelques idées, mais rien de définitifOui, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment y parvenirOui, nous disposons d'un plan clair qui nous guidera dans les années à venirMessage d’erreurQue ressentez-vous à l’idée de vendre votre entreprise dans les prochaines années ?*Je ne veux pas vendre mon entrepriseJ'ai beaucoup à faire avant qu’elle atteigne son plein potentielJe sais ce qu'il faut faire, mais je ne sais pas exactement commentTrès bien ! L'entreprise est systématisée, fonctionne sans moi et est prête à être vendueMessage d’erreurSegmentationQuelle importance accordez-vous à la prochaine étape du développement de votre entreprise ?*Je suis bien comme je suisPas très important pour l'instantC'est important pour moiTrès important pour moi, je dois agirMessage d’erreurVous considérez-vous comme ouvert à l'apprentissage de nouvelles possibilités ?*NonPeut-êtreOui, je le penseAbsolument !Message d’erreurFinal DetailsUne dernière étape avant de vous envoyer : Votre score et vos domaines d’action prioritaires Votre rapport PDF personnalisé Des suggestions personnalisées pour vous aiderVotre rapport personnalisé vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique, accompagné de conseils pertinents à l'appui de votre score. View our Privacy Policy * * * * Identify the lowest topic numberDo not edit me. Showing the {N} lowest Key Areas of Improvement LOWEST(N) ~> LOWEST(2) HIGHEST(N) ~> HIGHEST(2) AND Check to is Total number of Highest / Lowest keys wanted to show on Appearance tab OR: use MIN / MAX and check to is Identify the lowest topic number on Appearance tab Topic 2 GapDo not edit me.Topic 3 GapDo not edit me. Topic 4 GapDo not edit me.Topic 5 GapDo not edit me.Topic 2 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 3 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 4 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 5 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.General Feedback text for Overall score of 0-33%D'après le score que vous vous êtes attribué, il semble que vous ne sachiez pas quelle est la prochaine étape pour vous et votre entreprise, ni ce qu'il faut faire pour la faire passer au niveau supérieur.Dans votre rapport, nous vous indiquons ce que vous devriez faire en priorité dès maintenant pour développer votre entreprise.General Feedback text for Overall score of 34-66%D'après le score que vous vous êtes attribué, il semble que vous vous en sortiez bien dans la plupart des domaines, mais que vous auriez besoin d'un peu d'aide et d'orientation pour rester concentré sur les bonnes choses afin de faire passer votre entreprise à la vitesse supérieure.Dans votre rapport, nous vous indiquons ce que vous devriez faire en priorité dès maintenant pour faire progresser votre entreprise.General Feedback text for Overall score of 67-99%D'après le score que vous vous êtes attribué, il semble que vous obteniez de très bons résultats dans la majorité des domaines. Bravo ! Vous avez peut-être l'impression qu'il y a encore de la place pour la croissance mais que, personnellement, vous avez atteint vos limites.Dans votre rapport, nous vous montrerons comment vous pouvez surmonter les obstacles et développer encore davantage votre entreprise.General Feedback text for Overall score of 100%Votre score d'aujourd'hui est de 100 %, ce qui indique que vous êtes en train de performer et que vous cherchez probablement davantage à atteindre ce que nous appelons les objectifs de transmission. C'est très bien !À ce stade, il est peu probable que vous ayez BESOIN de beaucoup de choses. Vous avez probablement la plupart des choses que vous VOULEZ dans la vie.Mais peut-être que la prochaine étape consistera à réfléchir à des objectifs de type HÉRITAGE. C'est-à-dire... ce que vous voulez accomplir POUR LES AUTRES.Topic 2 Key Area of ImprovementLe TempsThere are several angles to time management. It could be that you want to personally work less hours, or perhaps you want to increase your productivity and that of your business.Keep in mind which of these you particularly want to improve and focus on that. In fact, focus and avoiding distractions are the keys to time efficiency, so let’s start there.What’s your main focus?Prioritisation is vital - what’s your main goal? You probably have lots of different goals, but which is the most important this year, this month, this week, today - and in the next hour?If you find that difficult to state - imagine how confused your team is? Everyone needs to know their key priority and to be able to achieve it.There’s a great book called “The One Thing” by author Garry Keller - it’s worth reading or listening to and applying what it teaches, which is to start with a long list of priorities and narrow it down to The One Thing you MUST get done.Remember that if you’re the business owner, you need to focus on doing business owner work, not employee work. There is a difference. You’re there to set the long-term strategy and vision and bring everyone along.Decisiveness - Making decisionsAre you decisive or a procrastinator? If you have to think about that, you’re probably not decisive!In my experience, the speed at which a business can grow is determined largely by it’s leader’s ability to make good decisions quickly. A lot of people think you can either make a quick decision or a good decision and that it has to be one or the other. Not true!Make a list of the criteria on which a decision has to be made: It could be the price, the time, certain benefits, etc. Then consider at least three alternatives and score each one against your criteria. The highest score wins! You’ll soon find yourself making great decisions, quickly.Default DiaryYou probably haven’t heard of a Default Diary, it’s a concept that our clients and their teams all tell us has changed their lives. I realise that’s a big claim!A default diary is all about creating an outline of your typical week and allocating short, fixed times that you will spend on specific important activities by default. If something gets in the way one week it's not a big problem, as long as most weeks you follow the default.For example, you might allocate;An hour to update your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)15 minutes to review your quarterly goals to keep you on trackTwo hours to make follow-up callsAn hour to proactively call key customers because they’ll appreciate a quick check-inIt’s all about shifting your focus to the Important, rather than the Urgent.Don’t Do… Delegate!Everyone I ask already knows “I really need to delegate more…”. The key difference is that consistently successful people DO IT instead of just knowing it.In fact, coaching is essentially helping business owners to actually DO what they already know they should do, that being;Having a clear vision and sharing itSetting clear goalsHaving a business planDelegating everything except true leadership workKnowing and doing are often worlds apart. Reflect and change what you spend time on and you’ll truly experience a positive shift.Quick sprintsA great way to get more done is to use quick sprints. In Michael Heppell’s excellent book, Seventeen, he explains the concept of using 17-minute sprints to get things done.When you only have a limited amount of time, it’s amazing how much you can accomplish. It hit home for me when Michael explained “You know when you’re at work and you’re going on holiday tomorrow… you get absolutely everything done and delegate everything else… achieving in an afternoon what you failed to do in the whole week… So imagine every day that you’re going away tomorrow. Nothing can be left until tomorrow - do it or delegate it. You’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve with this mindset.”Topic 3 Key Area of ImprovementL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeL'équipeWhen it comes to getting the best out of your team, I know of no better tool than the Seven Keys to a Winning Team. Here it is with more detail. Apply it, or even parts of it, and you’ll see a definite change in your team and their results.In a single word, the first key to a winning team is leadership. A strong leader is one who demonstrates integrity and competence. He or she is someone who people trust. Strong leaders also have developed the communication skills to enroll and inspire others to understand and embrace their vision.It is apparent that for a team to win, they need strong leadership. For your business or department to win, it needs a strong leader. As I coach business owners and management teams, I feel that this is the number one issue that we address.Do you have a clear vision for your business or department? The second key for a winning team is to have a common goal. To win the game as a team, it is essential for everyone to share a clearly defined target, and it is the responsibility of the leader to effectively communicate that goal to the team.In the Action Coach world, we speak of the importance of 'Destination Mastery'. A winning team will have a clear common goal and plan of action to achieve it.The effectiveness of a strong goal is more in what it DOES rather than what it IS. Many people hesitate to set powerful, challenging goals because of a fear of failure. This fear is based on the false belief that the team must respond in disappointment if a goal is not completely realized by the allotted time frame.The way to defuse this fear is to logically take it apart. If a common goal brings the team together, gets the team focused, and improves overall performance and team spirit, then why should the team choose disappointment just because they fall short of complete attainment of the goal by a certain deadline?The leader needs to encourage the team to instead celebrate the progress and learning that has been attained, followed by the establishment of a new goal.The focus should be the progress and the learning and the adjustments that need to be made based on current results. Bigger dreams and goals create better questions, which lead to superior decisions, actions, and results.So, as a strong leader, the challenge is to get with your team, and set a strong, common goal to bring you together.The third key for winning is to know the rules of the game. Can you imagine trying to win a game if you didn’t know the rules? Often employees lack motivation and productivity because the expectations are unclear.Do your employees know the company core values? Have you invested time in defining core values and communicating the company culture to every team member?Once you have a strong leader that has the respect of the team, and a common goal to shoot for, then it is time to define the playing field. Most people have an inherent resistance to rules. Basically, no one likes to be told by someone else what they can and cannot do. It feels like an infringement on their personal identity and freedom. So, with that challenge in mind, let’s talk rules of the game.If you put rules in the context of a game, they take on a different feel and value. The rules in a game define the game.A game with no rules is mayhem, and certainly not too much fun. The rules in a game define how you win, how you succeed, and communicate the appropriate relationship between the team members - their roles and functions defined.So, if you think that defining rules of the game is difficult, consider instead how difficult it is to run a business without doing so.The fourth key to a winning team is to have a written action plan. Great ideas, an inspiring vision, and even a happy workplace doesn’t automatically produce results. Results come from taking action. Each team member needs to know daily who is supposed to do what by when.You can have a strong leader with a common goal and great, clearly defined rules, but with no action, nothing happens.Procrastination is the enemy of all progress and learning, and it is rooted in fear. Fear is a paralyzing emotion or expectation about negative outcomes.The antidote and cure for fear is action.For the action to be most effective, it should be preceded by some organized thought and planning.Very simply stated, a great action plan has three components - WHO does WHAT by WHEN. That is it. If you are clear on the goal and the rules, then organize your plan into logical steps, and delegate each step to the right team member. Assign an accountability and deadline, and you are ready to go.The fifth key for producing a winning team is to support risk taking. For people to maximize their potential, they need to try new things, even make mistakes! The only people who don’t make mistakes are those who never try anything new.Winning teams will always be willing to stretch their limits. As long as you have defined the rules of the game, the team should be encouraged to innovate within those defined boundaries.To maximize the potential of every team member, the leader and organization must support risk taking. What does that mean?It means that fear of mistakes and failure must go. It means that we always solicit and welcome multiple solutions to challenges.It means that right brain, creative thinking is encouraged, and that new ideas and changes are welcomed and rewarded.It means that good is never good enough, and that continuous improvement, innovation, and experimentation are a fundamental part of the culture.Do these concepts and ideas scare you? They don’t need to. In fact, rejecting these concepts is truly riskier to the stability of the business or department. A refusal to try new things and make mistakes is a recipe for business and team failure.The sixth key to a winning team is 100% involvement and inclusion. Each member must know that they are accepted by the team, and each member must also choose to participate 100%. Those who are not fully engaged pull down the team’s performance.100% participation creates powerful team synergy.The challenge is to REQUIRE 100% participation from your team. Some of you know that you have team members that need to radically change or leave. Jim Collins, author of “Good to Great”, was asked how to decide if a person should be kept on a team or if they should be asked to leave. He said it is a simple two question test:1 - If the person left today for a better job somewhere else, would you be glad or sad?2 - If this person applied for a job with your organization today, knowing what you know about them, would you hire them?The answers to those questions provide a clear insight into the action that needs to take place. 100% involvement means that each team member is totally committed to the team and its success. In practical terms, the team member shows up for the game, on time, consistently, ready to perform.Each and every member is willing to do what they can do to support the leader and every other member. 100% inclusion means every member of the team is committed to accepting and supporting every single member of team - no member left behind or excluded.In other words, the team is lean and mean. It is tight - every member fully engaged and included.Finally, the seventh key to a winning team is continuous improvement. Whatever you and your team learnt, and whatever skills you developed to get you to this point, will not be enough to get you to the next level, either as a business or individually.It’s important that every team member has a personal development plan and an action plan for learning.It’s also good to encourage every team member to keep a record of their learning – the books they read, the courses they complete, all their learning achievements. This way they see the progress and gain further motivation.Consider creating a “learning log”, ie a list of books to read and ticking them off, courses attended, webinars attended, online learning and anything else like this. Add things to do, then let each person tick them off when completed.This also adds a lot more substance to an annual or bi-annual appraisal when there’s some evidence of learning – or indeed if there isn’t!Topic 4 Key Area of ImprovementL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentL'argentIt’s said that “numbers are the language of business”. So you need to know your numbers.We refer to the most important numbers that you need to know and track as the Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. It’s a common term, Google it if you want to deep-dive on this.There are KPIs and there are Killer KPIs. The latter are those which are so important that your business will literally die if the numbers are too far off track. The key one of these is cash. You can be making a healthy profit on paper, yet go out of business because you run out of cash! So a cash flow forecast is one of those important KPI-tracking tools you need to use.Just as in a car we rely on a dashboard to give us an indication of how everything is going at a glance, you need a business dashboard to show you everything in one place and know at a glance if all is OK - or not - so you can take action.Graphs showing trends are much more effective in a dashboard than pure numbers that show a snapshot in time. Have your team create a dashboard and each department should update a section - Finance, sales, marketing, Operations, HR… and have the key KPIs from those flow into a top-level dashboard.Accept no excuses, create this dashboard and drive your business from it.Often you can look at top-level numbers and they hide the true information that’s beneath. For example, many businesses see their revenue or profit margin as a single number. This is an average and hides what’s actually happening.If you were to break that number down - divide it into, say, five product categories or five geographic regions or whatever else makes sense in your business - you would see vital information.One of those five is the worst performer! Fix it or cut it out! One of those five is the best performer… put more focus on it or see what you can learn to apply to the others. Topic 5 Key Area of ImprovementPlan de SortieWhen we speak to most business owners they don’t have a plan for when their business will be finished. We don’t mean finished in a bad way, we mean when will it be at a stage when it’s working on automatic like a well-oiled machine.Let me give you a different example. Imagine you’re building a house, but you don’t have a plan for how it will look when it’s finished.You tell the architect “Just build me a lounge, kitchen, bathroom and a couple of bedrooms and let’s see how it goes. If it goes well, I might add some more bedroom and maybe a second floor.”.Can you imagine what it would be like to work on that project. No blueprint, no idea when the project will be finished, no idea how many people will be required, what materials are needed… chaos! Yet people build businesses like this every day!With no plan for where it’s going or how long it will take.Whether you want to be able to sell your business, or to put in a manager and be able to work as little as you choose or not at all… you’ll do far better with a plan and timescale. We’ve seen that a business can go from wherever it currently is to sale or working without the owner in three to five years.Yet with no such plan, it just keeps on going and going, whether it’s growing or not, with no particular urgency.Until something forces urgency - whether that be market conditions such as a recession, the threat of new technology or working habits or, unfortunately, ill health.We regularly work with business owners to help them create a plan and know when the business can work without them.You’d be amazed at how quickly things reach the goal when there’s a clear plan and a timescale.When will your business building be finished?Next StepSouhaitez-vous vraiment amener votre entreprise au niveau supérieur avec plus de clarté et de confiance ?Je serais ravi d’un échange avec vous, de moins d’une demi-heure, pour discuter de vos résultats et pour en savoir plus sur votre entreprise, vos objectifs, vos désirs, vos forces et vos opportunités du moment.Je vous invite à réserver dès maintenant le moment qui vous convient le mieux.CTA Link CTA ImageTopic 2 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 4 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 2 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 3 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 4 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 5 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Testimonial 1Avant mon accompagnement, je manquais de méthodes pour promouvoir mon entreprise et équilibrer ma vie professionnelle et personnelle. Céline a écouté mes besoins et m'a aidée à structurer mon travail grâce à un plan à 90 jours, améliorant ainsi la visibilité de mon entreprise. J'ai également rejoint une communauté de dirigeants partageant des problématiques similaires, où nous nous challengeons chaque trimestre.Valérie Tanchou, 3T GroupTestimonial 2Mon travail était chaotique et épuisant, sans stratégie claire ni gestion des chiffres clés. Puis, j’ai rencontré Céline, dont l'expertise m'a profondément motivé. Elle a compris mes besoins et m'a aidé à améliorer mon emploi du temps, me libérant des plages le mercredi après-midi et bientôt le vendredi après-midi. J'ai constaté une progression rapide et tangible de mes performances.Boubakari Diop, 3CFTestimonial 3Avant l'accompagnement avec Mentorys, je manquais de méthode et naviguais dans le flou. Mentorys m'a aidé à structurer mes démarches, valorisant l'apprentissage continu et la focalisation sur moi-même. J'ai élargi mon réseau en échangeant avec d'autres entrepreneurs. Grâce à Mentorys, je me sens mieux armé pour relever les défis de mon entreprise.Christophe Mathieu, A2MATestimonial 4Avant Mentorys, ma vie professionnelle était bordélique, avec des difficultés de structuration et de direction. Grâce à l'approche de Céline, j'ai pu me concentrer sur les aspects clés de mon entreprise et élaborer des plans d'action solides. Elle m'a aidée à reconnaître ma valeur en tant que dirigeante avec un soutien personnalisé et une écoute attentive.Sabine PEPIOT-ROBIN, Mavica SolutionsOverall Total NumberAdd in ALL questions below. This will simply add up all questions and give a total number of points for all. Overall Current PercentageCreation note: Change "40" to the number of total points available in this quiz. E.g. Total of 6 questions is 4x6 = "24". Total of 8 questions is 4x8 = "32". etc All topics have 100% scored - MessageDont change Label Final score is LowDo not edit me. Final score is MediumDo not edit me. Final score is HighDo not edit me. Key Area(s) of Improvement TitleKey FocusTime 25-50%Time 50-75%Time 75%+Team 25-50%Team 50-75%Team 75%+Money 25-50%Money 50-75%Money 75%+Exit 25-50%Exit 50-75%Exit 75%+Legacy Goals 100%